One of the things that I LOVE about being an artist is how instinctual the process is. There are plenty of artist’s that paint the same thing and do it over and over. If you have been to the markets and seen the guy with 20 paintings all of boats on the ocean, then you know what I mean. I am absolutely not trashing that guy because there is a big chance that he might be making a stack more money than me. (Insert I really don’t care face).
For me painting what captures me has been so very important. I think that a painting that resonates with you deep down, means that you are much more likely to put every bit of your heart and soul into it. And for some reason when you love what you paint, it seems to come together so much easier.
I apologise in advance but it’s quite likely that you might just get a whole heap of random subject for a while. Maybe one day I will try and put together a proper collection along the same theme, but for the moment I am just painting what I love.
This painting was a JOY to paint. I have three little girls (Currently 2, 5 and 7) They are the joy of my life.
Even though the this little red head is not actually one of mine, there is so much about her that reminds me of my own daughters. That little girl who is blossoming in her own way and beautiful without even knowing it.
If you want to take a closer look at it, you can check it out in my ETSY shop here
Love to you all
Lisa xx